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发布时间: 2020-11-19 04:28:23

『壹』 跨学科性思维英语作文

Cross-disciplinary training mode Advantage
(A) it is concive to modern science and technology to adapt to the rapid growth of human knowledge accumulation and rapid updating of the times
The world today is entering the era of knowledge economy knowledge-based economy, technology as the driving force in the world, of science and technology, rapid development, from 1975 to 1985 Research microprocessor means of survival and success in changing the human, 1985-1995 In a comprehensive variety of software instry. Associated with this, scientific research achievements into proctive forces and commodity significantly shorten the process, from research to the advent of the telephone in the past 50 years with Radio took 30 years, but in the contemporary television only 2 years, with a laser years. With the scientific and technological research and in the proction, lif珐弧粹旧诔搅达些惮氓e applications fast, many changes, a variety of accumulated human knowledge and update Xunji exception. On the accumulation of knowledge in terms of the 19th century, doubling every 50 years, the 20th century, doubling every 10 years, but in recent years, it has doubled every 3-5 years; to update their knowledge, the scientific development showed significant popular, large integrated trend, especially humanities and social sciences and natural sciences extensive dialogue, seek blend, a large number of interdisciplinary, cross-disciplinary, cross-sectional disciplines, return discipline, discipline emerged intermediary, reached more than 1,000 kinds of emerging disciplines [1] (P6), therefore, is emerging in the knowledge economy, the increasing integration of the world economy today, the traditional division of the hundreds of disciplinary system and the "counterpart style" model of professional training, clearly not suited to the times requirements, must take a different cross-disciplinary training of personnel realignment of the road, in order to meet the needs of social development, to promote quality ecation to adapt to the requirements in order to meet the "knowledge transfer, knowledge innovation, knowledge materialized as one" of the modern concept of the functions of the University, Times conform to the overall quality and innovation as the core concept of the unity of the modern university personnel requirements.
(B) it is concive to cultivate a wide range of knowledge, quality, knowledge, skills, the organic composition of new talent
For a long time, China's higher ecation a "counterpart" type of professional ecation and "at the way the" knowledge skills ecation, training personnel easily adapt to the needs of specific jobs, but jobs that require the ability to adapt to convert the poor. The faculties and colleges, professional settings have continuity and relative stability, personnel training period and there are objective laws. Therefore, to reform the traditional situation in the past, we must take a different path interdisciplinary training of personnel. The implementation of cross-training can be specialized and comprehensive professional ecation up organic unity, so that students learn multi-disciplinary knowledge, professional training, and related professional services and more professional qualities and skills, the formation of knowledge, qualities, skills optimization of the organic composition, thereby improving the overall adaptability and innovation.

『贰』 "有丰富的知识面和开阔的思路,可以从事多方向跨学科知识的综合应用",用英文怎么

By virtue of rich knowledge and enlightening thoughts, one can apply them from all directions in many fields.

『叁』 跨学科英语学习怎么样


『肆』 英语专业跨学科考心理学,考哪种的好


(1)应用心理学(包括变态心理学 心理咨询 犯罪心理学 临床心理学 医学心理学 管理心理学 职业心理学 文化心理学 经济心理学等等等等 ),
(2)基础心理学(普通心理学 生理心理学 认知心理学 比较心理学 人格与社会心理学 认知神经科学等等等等 )
(3)发展与教育心理学(发展心理学 教育心理学)



『伍』 本科英语专业考信阳师范学院的学科英语属于跨学科吗


『陆』 我是英语专业的,想跨学科 考研究生... ...





1 考医学估计比较难,还从未听说过有学英语转医学的,难度较大,以为本科时期的实验什么的都没做过,只有理论知识是完全不够的

2 心理学的话,好像转教育心理学跟专业还能挂点钩,因为英语专业进教育培训机构很容易,若是纯心理学专业的话,楼主的本科四年岂不是白上了?

3 对外汉语专业是属于中文的,目前看来是中文专业里最热门的了,需要学习现代汉语古代汉语和语言学、历史文化相关专业,难度不大

4 英语专业做老师还是相当方便的,有了专四专八证,进培训机构很容易,现在可以做家教练习练习教课,是不是师范类没关系,现在非师范当老师的太多了。

5 除了理工科和经济类,其他专业一般都是不考数学的

『柒』 2015沈阳师范大学学科教育(英语)接受跨学科么


『捌』 日本留学sgu项目,用英语课申请哪些日本名校跨学科领域/综合科学类专业


『玖』 要考东北师范大学学科教学(英语)的研究生 这个专业允许跨专业跨学科考吗


『拾』 关于跨学科思维与交叉英语的写作文

Cross-disciplinary training mode Advantage
(A) it is concive to modern science and technology to adapt to the rapid growth of human knowledge accumulation and rapid updating of the times
The world today is entering the era of knowledge economy knowledge-based economy, technology as the driving force in the world, of science and technology, rapid development, from 1975 to 1985 Research microprocessor means of survival and success in changing the human, 1985-1995 In a comprehensive variety of software instry. Associated with this, scientific research achievements into proctive forces and commodity significantly shorten the process, from research to the advent of the telephone in the past 50 years with Radio took 30 years, but in the contemporary television only 2 years, with a laser years. With the scientific and technological research and in the proction, life applications fast, many changes, a variety of accumulated human knowledge and update Xunji exception. On the accumulation of knowledge in terms of the 19th century, doubling every 50 years, the 20th century, doubling every 10 years, but in recent years, it has doubled every 3-5 years; to update their knowledge, the scientific development showed significant popular, large integrated trend, especially humanities and social sciences and natural sciences extensive dialogue, seek blend, a large number of interdisciplinary, cross-disciplinary, cross-sectional disciplines, return discipline, discipline emerged intermediary, reached more than 1,000 kinds of emerging disciplines [1] (P6), therefore, is emerging in the knowledge economy, the increasing integration of the world economy today, the traditional division of the hundreds of disciplinary system and the "counterpart style" model of professional training, clearly not suited to the times requirements, must take a different cross-disciplinary training of personnel realignment of the road, in order to meet the needs of social development, to promote quality ecation to adapt to the requirements in order to meet the "knowledge transfer, knowledge innovation, knowledge materialized as one" of the modern concept of the functions of the University, Times conform to the overall quality and innovation as the core concept of the unity of the modern university personnel requirements.
(B) it is concive to cultivate a wide range of knowledge, quality, knowledge, skills, the organic composition of new talent
For a long time, China's higher ecation a "counterpart" type of professional ecation and "at the way the" knowledge skills ecation, training personnel easily adapt to the needs of specific jobs, but jobs that require the ability to adapt to convert the poor. The faculties and colleges, professional settings have continuity and relative stability, personnel training period and there are objective laws. Therefore, to reform the traditional situation in the past, we must take a different path interdisciplinary training of personnel. The implementation of cross-training can be specialized and comprehensive professional ecation up organic unity, so that students learn multi-disciplinary knowledge, professional training, and related professional services and more professional qualities and skills, the formation of knowledge, qualities, skills optimization of the organic composition, thereby improving the overall adaptability and innovation.
(C) it is concive to reform, update disciplines, improve discipline construction
At present, the construction of higher ecation reform and discipline, the need to broaden the professional caliber, rich professional content, enhanced professional adaptability, and building cross-disciplinary personnel training mode, this reform and effective measures to carry out the construction of precisely. Because the culture of knowledge, ability complex new talent, we must identify new training objectives, develop new teaching programs. Among them, the different disciplines of course, is not a simple patchwork of cuts, but interconnected, interrelated to one set, or even require knowledge of different disciplines organically set in a lesson, which is to transform and update the old disciplines, old professional challenges and opportunities. Thus, we must explore new areas requires teachers to update their knowledge structure, curriculum system and structure requires restructuring in terms of integration, the result, there will be many new faces and content combined with the growing point system, which will greatly facilitate the various disciplines Professional substantive reform and construction.

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