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发布时间: 2024-06-25 05:41:49

❶ 看的英文是什么




  • vt. 看见;理解;领会

  • vi. 看;看见;领会


see something in someone看中(或喜欢)某人的某个方面

see things发生幻觉;见神见鬼

see in带领……进去

see for oneself亲眼看;自己去看

see a lot of经常和…在一起;经常见到 , 与…经常交往,常见到(某人或某物)

see here[美国口语]听我说;喂(唤起对方注意或表示不赞成)

let's see让我们看看

as you can see正如你所看到的;你是知道的

see through识破,看穿

we'll see你我都会明白

nice to see you很高兴认识你

go and see去看看


  • Seeifyou cangowithus.


  • Reckonup allyourmoneyandseeif youhaveenough.


  • You thedistrict.


❷ 看的英语是什么

(派遣) send on an errand; dispatch:
差人去送封信 send a letter by messenger
差他去办件事 send (dispatch) him on an errand
鬼使神差 doings of ghosts and gods
(被派遣去做的事; 公务; 职务) errand; job:
公差 public errand; noncombatant ty
兼差 hold more than one job concurrently
(旧时的差役) corvée; runner or liff in a feudal yamen:
听差 manservant; office attendant
另见 chā; chà; chài; cī。

(不相同; 不相合) differ from; fall short of:
我们离党的要求还差得远。 We still fall far short of what the Party expects of us.
(缺欠; 短少) wanting; short of:
差两个人 two people short
差7天不到一年 seven days short of a year
还差一道工序。 There's still one more step in the process.
(错误) wrong:
这你可说差了。 You're wrong there.
(不好; 不符合标准) not up to standard; poor; bad; inferior:
成绩不算太差。 The results are by no means poor.
这个工厂设备差,可是产品并不差。 The factory's equipment is not up to much, but its procts are not at all bad.
这台收音机质量很差,用了不到一年就坏了。 This radio is poor in quality; it broks down within less than a year of use.
另见 chā; chāi; chài; cī。

(不相同; 不相合) difference; dissimilarity:
时差 time difference
(差错) mistake:
偏差 deviation
{数} (差数) difference:
6和3的差是3。 The difference between 6 and 3 is 3.

❸ 我们一起去看电影吧!的英文是啥 急急急

we are go to see the move

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