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發布時間: 2024-07-01 02:49:33

❶ 我們一起去看電影吧!的英文是啥 急急急

we are go to see the move

❷ 看電影的英語

see a movie;see a film

去電影院:go to the movie theatre;go to the cinema

去電影院看電影:go to the cinema and watch a film;go to the cinema see a film

上次看的電影cant remember ; prison break ; Don't remember ; Kungfu Panda

我看我電影:I see it my way

看的電影:see the movies

看懂電影:Understanding Film

必看的電影:must-see film ; a must-see movie ; must see film

看完電影後:After the movie ; After after the movie ; After watching movies


去看部電影:go to a movie

看完電影:After the movie ; Watching movies



  1. 我們什麼時候去看電影呢?When do we go to the movies?

  2. 我喜歡和麗莎一起去看電影。I like to go to the movies with Lisa.

  3. 我看電影的時候經常想起你。I often think of you when I watch movies.

  4. 你喜歡和我一起去電影院看電影嗎?Do you like to go to the cinema with me?

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