㈠ 外研版高一英語必修一的課文MP3
哦 順便一提 目前我在學的ABC夫下中心的老師要我明白,若要掌握好英語是輕松的..一定需要個適合的學習空間和闇練口語對象,這取決於外教資質,標准口音才是最好,堅決天天口語學習,1v1針對性教學才可以有很.好.的進步幅度 上完課同樣要重復復習課後錄音反饋 來進一步深化知識。不過實在無對象可練習的環境,只能去 VOA或BBC取得課後材料閱讀,多說多練迅速的英語水平會進步許多,學習效益是絕對最佳的。
㈡ 英語必修一幾個單元外研版
......tivity 1: questions answering 1. What is the listening text mainly about? 2. Can we stop the earthquake? Activity 2: True or false ( ) ...
英語必修3 unit1-2單元測試題及答案
......A. take place B. be taken place C. be to be held D. hold2. We ______ the old scientist______ his contribution_____ the country.A. admire; for; ...
㈢ 外研版高一英語必修一1,2模塊課文原文 懸賞可以提高
Mole 1 Reading
My Name is Li Kang. I live in Shijiazhuang, a city not far from Beijing. It is the capital city of Hebei Province. Today is my first dayat Senior High school and I'm writing down my thoughts about it.
My new school is very good and I can see why. The teachersare very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are amazing. Every room has acomputer with a special screen, almost as big as a cinema screen. Theteachers write on the computer, and their words appear on the screen behindthem. The screens also show photographs, text and information from websites. They're brilliant!
The English class is really interesting. The teacher is avery enthusiastic woman called MsShen. We're using a new textbook and Ms Shen's method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my JuniorHigh school. She thinks that reading comprehension is important, butwe speak a lot in class, too. And we have fun. I don't think I will be bored in Ms Shen's class!
Today we introced ourselves to each other. We did this ingroups. Some students were embarrassed at first but everyonewas very friendly and it was really nice. Ms Shen gave us instructions and then we worked by ourselves.
Ms Shen wants to help us improve our spelling andhandwriting. We do this in a fun way, with spelling games and other activities.I like her attitude very much, and the behaviour of the other studentsshows that they like her, too.
There are sixty-five students in my class—more than my previous class in Junior High.Forty-nine of them are girls. In other words, there are three times as manygirls as boys. They say that girls are usually more hard-working than boys, butin this class, everyone is hard-working. For our homework tonight, we have towrite a description of the street where welive. I'm looking forward to doing it!
Mole 2 Reading
They say that first impressions arevery important. My first impression ofMrs. Li was that she was nervous andshy. Ithink perhaps she was, as it was her first lesson with us. But now, after twoweeks, the class really likes working with her. She's kind and patient,and she explains English grammar so clearly that even I can understand it!—She avoidsmaking you feel stupid!I've always hatedmaking mistakes or pronouncing a word incorrectlywhen I speak English, but Mrs. Li just smiles, so that you don't feel completelystupid! I think maybe she goes a bit too slowly for the faster students, butfor me it's wonderful! I feel I'mgoing to make progress with her.
I'd guessthat Mrs. Chen is almost sixty. She's very strict—wedon't dare to say a word unless she asks us to. She's also very serious anddoesn't smile much. When she asks you to do something, you do it immediately!There are a few students in our class who keep coming to class late but they'realways on time for Mrs. Chen's lessons! Some of our class don't like her, butmost of us really appreciate herbecause her teaching is so wellorganised andclear. And a few students even admitliking her! During scientificexperiments, she explains exactly what is happening and as a result mywork is improving. Physics will never be my favourite lesson, but I think thatI'll do well in the exam with Mrs. Chen teaching me.
Mr. Wu's only been teaching us for two weeks and he'salready very popular. I think this is because he really enjoys teaching Chineseliterature—heloves it, in fact! He's got so much energy; this is one class you do not fallasleep in! He's about28, I think, and is rather good-looking. He talks loudly andfast, and waves hishands about a lot when he gets excited. He's really amusing andtells jokeswhen he thinks we're getting bored.Even things like compositions and summaries are fun with Mr. Wu. I respect hima lot.
㈣ 高一英語必修一課文外研版急求
㈤ 誰能提供外研版高一英語必修一的單詞
Mole 1
academic [,ækə'demik] adj. 學術的
province ['prɒvins] n. 省
enthusiastic [in,θju:zi'æstik] adj.熱心的,
amazing [ə'meiziŋ] adj.令人吃驚的;令人驚訝的
information [,infə'meiʃən] n. 消息
website [ web』sait] n.網站;網址
brilliant ['briljənt] adj.(口語)極好的
comprehension [,kɒmpri'henʃən] n. 理解,領悟
instruction [in'strʌkʃən] n.(常作復數)指示;說明
method ['meθəd] n. 方法
bored ['bɒ: d] adj.厭煩的;厭倦的
embarrassed [im'bærəst] adj.尷尬的;難堪的;困窘的
attitude ['ætitju:d] n. 態度
behaviour [bi'heivjə] n. 行為; 舉動
previous ['pri:viəs] adj.以前的;從前的
description [di'skripʃən] n.記述; 描述
amazed [ə'meizd] adj. 吃驚的;驚訝的
embarrassing [im'bærəsiŋ] adj.令人尷尬的;令人難堪的
technology [tek'nɒlədʒi] n. 技術
impress [im'pres] vt.使印象深刻
correction [kə'rekʃən] n. 改正;糾正
encouragement [in'kʌridʒmənt] n. 鼓勵;激勵
enjoyment [in'dʒɒimənt] n.享受;樂趣
fluency ['flu:ənsi] n.流利;流暢
misunderstanding [,misʌndə'stændiŋ] n. 誤解
disappointed [,disə'pɒintid] adj. 失望的
disappointing [,disə'pɒintiŋ] adj.令人失望的
system ['sistəm] n. 制度;體系;系統
teenager ['ti:nidʒə] n.少年
disappear [,disə'piə] vi. 消失
move [mu:v] adj.搬家
assistant [ə'sistənt] n. 助手, 助理
cover ['kʌvə] vt.包含
diploma [di'pləumə] n. 文憑, 畢業證書
Mole 2
amusing [ə'mju:ziŋ] adj. 有趣的; 可笑的
energetic [,enə'dʒetik] adj. 精力充沛的
intelligent [in'telidʒənt] adj. 聰明的
nervous ['nə:vəs] adj.緊張的;焦慮的
organized ['ɒ:gənaizd] adj.有組織的;有系統的
patient ['peiʃənt] adj.耐心的
serious ['siəriəs] adj. 嚴肅的
shy [ʃai] adj.害羞的;羞怯的
strict [strikt] a. 嚴格的;嚴厲的
impression [im'preʃən] n. 印象
avoid [ə'vɒid] vt.(故意)避開
hate [heit] vt.討厭;不喜歡
incorrectly [,inkə'rektli] adv.不正確地
completely [kəm'pli:tli] adv. 十分地;完全地
immediately [i'mi:diətli] adv.立即;即刻
appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit] vt.感激
admit [əd'mit] vt. 承認
scientific [,saiən'tifik] adj. 科學的
literature ['litərətʃə] n. 文學
loudly ['laudli] adv. 大聲地
wave [weiv] vt.揮(手);招(手)
joke [dʒəuk] n. 玩笑;笑話
summary ['sʌməri] n.總結;摘要;提要
respect [ri'spekt] vt.&n.尊敬;尊重
grade [greid] n.(美)成績;分數
headmaster ['hed'mɑ:stə] n.校長
headmistress ['hed'mistris] n.女校長
period ['piəriəd] n.一段時間
revision [ri'viʒən] n.復習
translation [træns'leiʃən] n. 翻譯
timetable ['taimteibl] n. 時間表
topic ['tɒpik] n.話題;題目
vacation [vei'keiʃən] n. 假期
revise [ri'vaiz] vt.溫習(功課)
discipline ['disiplin] n.紀律
relationship [ri'leiʃənʃip] n. 關系
formal ['fɒ:məl] adj. 正式的
relaxed [ri'lækst] adj.輕松的;鬆懈的;寬松的
similarly ['similəli] adv.同樣地,類似地
Mole 3
helicopter ['helikɒptə] n.直升飛機
motorbike ['məutə, k] n.摩托車
tram [træm] n.電車
distance ['distəns] n. 距離
abandoned [ə'bændənd] adj.被遺棄的
camel ['kæml] n. 駱駝
cassette [kæ'set] n.錄音帶
desert ['dezət] n. 沙漠
diamond ['daiəmənd] n. 鑽石
expert ['ekspə:t] n. 專家
midnight ['midnait] n. 半夜
proct ['prɒdʌkt] n. 產品
scenery ['si:nəri] n. 風景; 景色
shoot [ʃu:t] vt.(shot,shot)射殺
soil [sɒil] n. 土壤
journey ['dʒə:ni] n. 旅程
train [trein] vt. 訓練
circus ['sə:kəs] n. 馬戲團
seaside ['si:said] n. 海濱
stadium ['steidiəm] n. 運動場;體育場
eagle ['i:gl] n. 鷹
frighten ['fraitn] vt.是吃驚;驚嚇
kindergarten ['kində,gɑ:tn] n.幼兒園
apartment [ə'pɑ:tmənt] n.(美)公寓;單元住宅
cartoon [kɑ:'tu:n] n. 卡通;漫畫
interview ['intəvju:] n.面試;面談
interviewer ['intəvju:ə] n.(面試時的)主考官;面談者
event [i'vent] n. 事件
exhausted [ig'zɒ:stid] adj.疲憊不堪的
downtown ['daun'taun] adj.商業區的;市中心的
vacuum [`'vækjuəm] n. 真空; 空白
rail [reil] n.鐵軌
ceremony ['seriməni] n.儀式
track [træk] n. 軌道
souvenir [,su:və'niə] n. 紀念品
Mole 4
survey [sə'vei] n. 調查
neighbourhood n.四鄰
local ['ləukəl] adj.地方的;局部的
suburb ['sʌbə:b] n.城郊;郊區
hometown [həum'taun] n.家鄉
attractive [ə'træktiv] adj.有吸引力的;吸引人的
fortunate ['fɒ:tʃənit] adj.幸運的;吉祥的
pretty ['priti] adv.很;相當
sound [saund] vi.聽起來
tourist ['tuərist]n.旅遊者;觀光客
bother ['bɒðə] vt.打擾;煩擾;麻煩
nuisance ['nju:sns] n.令人討厭的人或事
rent [rent] n. 租金
district ['distrikt] n.地域;區域;行政區
approach [ə'prəutʃ] vt. 接近
harbour n.海港
gorgeous ['gɒ:dʒəs] adj.美麗的;宜人的
architecture ['ɑ:kitektʃə] n. 建築
starve [stɑ:v] vi.餓死
park [pɑ:k] vt. 停車
traffic ['træfik] n. 交通
committee [kə'miti] n. 委員會
organization ['ɒ:gənai'zʃən] n.組織
unemployed [,ʌnim'plɒid] adj.失業的;沒有工作的
household ['haushəuld] n.家屬;家人
occupation [,ɒkju'peiʃən] n. 職業
professional [prə'feʃənl] adj.專業的
manual ['mænjuəl] adj.用手的;手的
employment [im'plɒimənt] n.就業;工作;職業
gallery ['gæləri] n.美術館;畫廊
exchange [iks'tʃeindʒ] vt. 交換
fascinating ['fæsineitiŋ] adj. 迷人的, 吸引人的
afford [ə'fɒ:d] vt. 買得起;有能力支付
survive [sə'vaiv] vi.死裡逃生;大難不死
contact ['kɒntækt] vt.聯絡;聯系(某人)
Mole 5
liquid ['likwid] n. 液體
expand [ik'spænd] vi.膨脹
contract ['kɒntrækt] vi.收縮
substance ['sʌbstəns] n. 物質
mixture ['mikstʃə] n.混合物
oxygen ['ɒksədʒən] n. 氧氣
electricity [,ilek'trisiti] n. 電
stage [steidʒ] n. 階段;時期
conclusion [kən'klu:ʒən] n. 結論
aim [eim] n. 目標;目的
reaction [ri'ækʃən] n. 反應
electrical [i'lektrikəl] adj.與電有關的;用電的
equipment [i'kwipmənt] n. 設備;裝備
react [ri'ækt] vi.(化學)反應
potassium n. 鉀
sodium ['səudiəm] n. 鈉
calcium ['kælsiəm] n. 鈣
magnesium [mæg'ni:ziəm] n. 鎂
aluminium [,ælju'miniəm] n. 鋁
zinc [ziŋk] n. 鋅
partial ['pɑ:ʃəl] adj.部分的;局部的
copper ['kɒpə] n. 銅
oxide ['ɒksaid] n. 氧化物
rust [rʌst] vi. 生銹
boil [bɒil] vt.生銹
ordinary ['ɒ:dinəri] adj. 普通的;平常的
steam [sti:m] n. 蒸汽;水氣
float [fləut] vi.漂浮
form [fɒ:m] vi.形成
dissolve [di'zɒlv] vt. 溶解;分解;分離
balance ['bæləns] n.天平
crucible ['kru:sibl] n. 坩鍋
tongs [tɒŋz] (復)夾子;小鉗子
flame [fleim] n. 火焰
facility [fə'siliti] n.(常作復數)設備;工具
lecture ['lektʃə] n. 演講
department [di'pɑ:tmənt] n.(大學的)科、系
astonished [ə'stɒniʃt] adj.吃驚的;驚愕的
Mole 6
contain [kən'tein] vt. 包含;包括
access ['ækses] n.接近;通路
crash [kræʃ] vi.(計算機)崩潰
keyword ['ki: , wə:d] n.密碼;口令
log [lɒg] vt.記錄;登錄
software ['sɒftwєə] n. 軟體
breakdown ['breikdaun] n.故障
source [sɒ:s] n.來源;出處
accessible [ək'sesəbl] adj.可進入的; 可使用的
data ['deitə] n.(復)數據
defence [di'fens] n.保護;防衛
create [kri:'eit] vt. 創造;發明
network ['netwə:k] n. 網路
via [vaiə] prep.途徑;經由
percentage [pə'sentidʒ] n.百分數;百分率
design [di'zain] vt. 設計
document ['dɒkjumənt] n. 文件
invention [in'venʃən] n. 發明
permission [pə'miʃən] n. 許可
military ['militəri] adj.軍事的;軍隊的
concentrate ['kɒnsəntreit] vi.集中(注意力、思想等)
definite ['definit] adj. 明確的
fantastic [fæn'tæstik] adj.極好的;美妙的
independent [,indi'pendənt] adj.獨立的
essay ['esei] n.文章
pass [pæs] vt.超過
frequently ['fri:kwəntli] adv.時常;經常
disadvantage [,disəd'vɑ:ntidʒ] n.弊端;缺點
average ['ævəridʒ] adj.平均的
statistics [stə'tistiks] n.(復)統計數字
shorten ['ʃɒ:tn] vt.縮短
sideways ['saidweiz] adv.橫著地;斜著地
㈥ 高一英語必修一單詞聽力 外研版
㈦ 高一英語必修一三單元作文外研版
㈧ 外研版高中必修一英語電子課本
㈨ 高一英語必修一 外研版Mole 1的單詞聽力MP3