❶ 段落英語翻譯
❷ 有哪些好的英語段落
1. Remember, the brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want someting. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don't want it badly enough. They're there to stop the other people. ----Randy Frederick Pausch
2. I suddenly feel myself like a doll,acting all kinds of joys and sorrows.
There are lots of shining siliery thread on my back,controlling all my action.
可是背上總是有無數閃亮的銀色絲線,操縱 我的哪怕一舉手一投足.
3. When tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no more important in your memory, we suddenly realize that we are pushed forward by time. This is not a train in still in which you may feel forward when another train goes by. It is the truth that we've all grown up. And we become different.
4.One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone.
5.Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.
6.Success is the continuous journey towards the achievement of predetermined worth while goals .To live your life in your own way .To reach the goals , you』ve set for yourself . To be the person, you want to be ——that is success .
❸ 英語 段落 翻譯
❹ 英語段落的寫法
I do not understand why people confuse my Siamese cat, Prissy, with the one I had several years ago, Henry. The two cats are only alike in breed. Prissy, a quiet, feminine feline, loves me dearly but not possessively. She likes to keep her distance from people, exert her independen2.左縮進2個字元(和中文的一樣)
I do not understand ehy people confuse cat, prissy, whith rhw one I had saveral years ago. Henry. the two cats are only alike in breed. Prissy, a quiet, feminine//
首先,一個段落必須有一個中心即主題思想,該中心由主題句特別是其中的題旨來表達。整個段落必須緊扣這個主題(stick or hold to the topic),這就是段落的統一性(unity)。其次,一個段落必須有若干推展句,使主題思想得到充分展開,從而給讀者一個完整的感覺,這就是完整性(completeness or adequateness)。再者,一個段落不是雜亂無章的,而是有機的組合,句子的排列順序必須合乎邏輯,從一個句子到另一個句子的過渡必須流暢(smooth),這就是連貫性(coherence)。下面我們就對這三個標准分別加以說明。
Joe and I decided to take the long trip we』d always wanted across the country. We were like young kids buying our camper and stocking it with all the necessities of life. Bella bakes the best rhubarb pie. We started out in early spring from Minneapolis and headed west across the northern part of the country. We both enjoyed those people we met at the trailer park. Joe received a watch at his retirement dinner. To our surprise, we found that we liked the warm southern regions very much, and so we decided to stay here in New Mexico.
本段的主題句是段首句,controlling idea(中心思想)是take the long trip across the country。文中出現兩個irrelevant sentences,一個是Bella bakes the best rhubarb pie,這一段是講的是Joe and I ,中間出現一個Bella是不合適的。還有,Joe received a watch at his retirement dinner這一句更是與主題句不相關。考生在四級統考的作文卷上常常因為造出irrelevant sentences(不相關語句)而丟分,值得引起注意。再看一個例子:
My name is Roseanna, and I like to keep physically fit. I used to weigh two hundred pounds, but I joined the YMCA for an exercise class and diet program. In one year I lost eighty pounds. I feel much better and never want to have that much weight on my five-feet frame again. I bought two new suitcases last week. Everyday I practice jogging three miles, swimming fifteen laps, lifting twenty-pound weights and playing tennis for one hour. My mother was a premature baby.
本段的controlling idea 是like to deep physically fit,但段中有兩個irrelevant sentences,一個是I bought two new suitcases last week,另一個是My mother was a premature baby。
從上面兩個例子可以看出,native speakers同樣會造出來irrelevant sentences。卷面上如果這種句子多了,造成偏題或離題,那問題就更嚴重了。
Physical work can be a useful form of therapy for a mind in turmoil. Work concentrates your thoughts on a concrete task. Besides, it is more useful to work ---- you proce something rather than more anxiety or depression.
本段的主題句是段首句。本段的兩個推展句均不能回答主題句中提出的問題。什麼是「a mind in turmoil」(心境不平靜)Physical work又如何能改變這種情況?為什麼它能起therapy的作用?讀者得不到明確的答案。由於四級統考的作文部分只要求寫一篇100~120個詞的三段式短文,每一段只有大約40個詞左右,因此,要達到完整就必須盡可能地簡明。例如:
It is not always true that a good picture is worth a thousand words. Often writing is much clearer than a picture. It is sometimes difficult to figure out what a picture means, but a careful writer can almost always explain it.
It is not always true that a picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes, pictures are pretty useless things. If you can』t swim and fall in the river and start gulping water, will you be better off to hold up a picture of yourself drowning, or start screaming "Help"?
A.按時間先後排列(chronological arrangement)
B. 按位置遠近排列(spatial arrangement)
C. 按邏輯關系排列(logical arrangement)
a. 按重要性順序排列(arrangement in order of importance)
b.由一般到特殊排列(general-to-specific arrangement)
c. 由特殊到一般排列(specific-to-general arrangement)
❺ 英文段落的翻譯
❻ 段落用英文怎麼說
paragraph(這個最常用) part pause fragment都可以的
The space between two paragraphs.
A short line at the bottom of a page, column, or paragraph.
The title, subtitle, or topic that stands at the top or beginning, as of a paragraph, letter, or chapter.
❼ 英語段落在線翻譯,等!
❽ 有沒有優美的英文段落啊
There was once a farmer who had a fine olive orchard. He was very hardworking, and the farm always prospered under his care. But he knew that his three sons despised the farm work, and were eager to make wealth, trough adventure.
When the farmer was old, and felt that his time had come to die, he called the three sons to him and said, "My sons, there is a pot of gold hidden in the olive orchard. Dig for it, if you wish it."
The sons tried to get him to tell them in what part of the orchard the gold was hidden; but he would tell them nothing more.
After the farmer was dead, the sons went to work to find the pot of gold; since they did not know where the hiding-place was, they agreed to begin in a line, at one end of the orchard, and to dig until one of them should find the money.
They g until they had turned up the soil from one end of the orchard to the other, round the tree-roots and between them. But no pot of gold was to be found. It seemed as if someone must have stolen it, or as if the farmer had been wandering in his wits. The three sons were bitterly disappointed to have all their work for nothing.
The next olive season, the olive trees in the orchard bore more fruit than they had ever given; when it was sold, it gave the sons a whole pot of gold.
And when they saw how much money had come from the orchard, they suddenly understood what the wise father had meant when he said, "There is gold hidden in the orchard. Dig for it, if you wish it."
❾ 段落用英文怎麼說
paragraph(這個最常用) part pause fragment都可以的
The space between two paragraphs.
A short line at the bottom of a page, column, or paragraph.
The title, subtitle, or topic that stands at the top or beginning, as of a paragraph, letter, or chapter.
❿ 優美的英文段落有哪些
1、 Youth
Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind. It is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees. It is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep spring of life.
Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exits in a man of 60, more than a boy of 20.nobody grows merely by the number of years; we grow old by deserting our ideas. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust1 bows the heart and turns the spirit back to st.
Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being』s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what』s next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station; so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from infinite, so long as you are young.
When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with the snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you』ve grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there』s hope you may die young at 80.