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The turbulence intensity in the exit jet was measured using a TSI 1210-T1.5 miniature hot wire probe with 3.8 lm diameter. 在出口射流中的湍流強度用一台具有3.8 lm直徑的TSI 1210-T1.5小型熱線風速儀進行測量。The same computer-controlled traverse system was used to mea-
sure at several points from the nozzle edge to the centre in a single run.相同的計算機控制的橫移系統被用來測量一個行程中從噴嘴邊緣到中心的若干點。 Fig. 12 shows the distribution of the turbulence intensity
sandpapers near the leading edge of the pressure and suction sides
removed. 圖12示出了湍流強度的分布,靠近壓力和吸氣側前緣的砂紙被去除。In this con guration noise tone proced by vortex shedding past the airfoil trailing edge is expected.在這一配置中,在機翼後面拖尾邊緣由漩渦脫落產生的雜訊聲調是在預期之內的。 The experiment was carried out at jet speed vj of 80 m/s and the measured noise predicted airfoil noises.實驗在80m/s的射流速度vj下進行,測得的雜訊可預測機翼雜訊。 At this speed, the measured airfoil noise is still at least 10 dB above the background noise for all the frequencies. 在這一速度下,在所有頻率下,測得的機翼雜訊仍然至少比背景雜訊高10 dB。The deviation between the Brooks et al.』s trailing edge noise predic- tion to the measured airfoil noise below 2 kHz is caused by the airfoil leading edge and the facility noises being more signi cant. 低於2kHz時,Brooks等人的拖尾邊緣雜訊預測值與實測機翼雜訊之間的偏差是由機翼前緣,以及設施雜訊比較明顯而引起的。The mea- surement however agrees well with the prediction at frequencies above 2 kHz. 不過在頻率超過2kHz時,測量值和預測值很一致。The trailing edge noise exhibits a broadband-『『hump」 between 3 kHz and 7 kHz with some discrete tones embedded. 拖尾邊緣雜訊在3kHz和7kHz之間呈現一個寬頻的「峰」,內含一些離散的聲調。This type of spectrum in relation to a laminar airfoil is also observed by other researchers [20,21]. 這種與層流翼型有關的聲譜其他研究人員也觀察到了【20,21】。Peak frequency of the tone is visible at about 5 kHz with 30 dB above the background noise level. 聲調的峰值頻率在大約5kHz下(高於背景雜訊水平30dB)

⑵ 英文翻譯3

This topic research, can effectively solve the ctile iron and steel welding assembly components of the competition and challenges, it can be used to manufacture requirement high strength, good weldability of various parts, such as underwater platforms, cross connectors, various shell, etc. Also can replace the high cost and low alloy steel castings, can rece weight to improve life, convenient maintenance, rece cost, significantly save material and energy consumption. For developing low-cost, high performance castings, has the extremely vital significance. At the same time the subject to perfect, micro alloying steel casting theory also has certain significance.
This topic is adopted to 250kg smelting equipment without inction frequency electric furnace, smelting, sample chemical composition with TBA - 55-2 spectrum analyzer for chemical composition analysis. Heat treatment equipment, high-temperature resistance furnace ter. Heat treatment process is adopted, specific treatment weeken process for: heating temperature and thermal insulation 1.5h 900 degrees Celsius, use brine quenching, then 580 degrees Celsius, air-cooled heat preservation 2.5 h. Use the sample processing telefon surface grinder, lathe peace. Processed by ship - 30 universal test on mechanical properties, tensile test (s) will yield strength, tensile strength and elongation σ (b) (delta), rection of ψ (.). V type gap than in summer JB30A type impact test enginery measure impact (Ak), the impact of the determination of low-temperature impact test samples, low alcohol cooling to -40 degrees after impact test. Use block, after impact test in HB - 3000 brinell hardness measured brinell hardness on the project. OLYMPUS - PMC3 type with metallographic microscope and Hitachi S - 48 type scanning electron microscope and microstructure observation and analysis, photo shoot organization.

⑶ 三的英文翻譯




⑷ 英語翻譯3

The professional English study realize
Very happy origin the semester took an elective subject professional English lesson.In this semester, I learn to a lot of relevant our professional professional technical terms and the professional knowledge, and experienced personally an oneself to organize a career of lesson.
In the study, we mainly regard independent study as principle, teacher instruction for assist of new study form.Thus the 鍛煉 our student aware of self the ability of the study.This kind of studies a method, making us control to the English expression of our professional technical term and the knowledge more more firm.We returned the 鍛煉 the ability of the group cooperation, and master how organize a lesson to prelect.Although some English levels of classmates aren't very good in the study, causing the result for prelect isn't very good.But also the 鍛煉 they prelect an ability.
So the professional English study of this semester, my results is very big.Hope the teacher to adopt this kind of teaching method in the later teaching, guide more.Believe so our study result to will be better!

⑸ 英語翻譯(3)


⑹ 3個英語翻譯

The second section of the report mentions many concrete problems,they need to be sovled immediatly.
2.他會為你准備一杯由鮮果汁,酸奶和雞蛋製成的特殊飲料.(make up of)
He will prepare a cup of special drink that made up of fresh fruit jucie,yogurt as well as eggs.
knock over)
If Emmily didn't tease the cat, it would have not knock over that beautiful vase.
4.他喜歡詩歌,特別是唐詩.(in particular)
He loves poerty, Tang daynasty poems in prticular

⑺ 英語翻譯三個全部翻譯

VI. 我是這里的一名新學生 我的名字是Gina 我十二歲 我家裡有六個人 我的奶奶 爺爺 媽媽 爸爸 姐姐和我 我現在住在北京 我的電話號碼是535-4567
VII. 我的爸爸在他的工廠里有一個好朋友 他是一個老男人 他五十八歲 所有的孩子們都喜歡他 我們叫他Green叔叔 他從倫敦來 但他現在住在北京 他不會說中文 我們教他中文 他教我們英語

⑻ 英語翻譯3句

1.The world we are living will benifit our growing
enviromental consciousness.
2.It's widerly considered that extensive reading makes us understand things we are interested.
3.This brand of digital cameras are out of stock now.We will inform you as soon as they arrive.

⑼ 英語三句翻譯


⑽ 英語文章翻譯三


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