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A. 英語裡面有沒敬語

謙恭自貶、普通人(commoners)與地位較低的人(people with lower status)
愚:I, the unintelligent
鄙:I, the less ecated
敝:I, the unrefined
卑:I, from a lower class
竊:I, who did not give you proper notice
仆:I, your servant (male)
婢:I, your servant (female)
妾:I, your concubine
在下:I, who am humbler and lower than you
小人:I, the insignificant (usually male)
小女:I, the insignificant and female
草民:I, the worthless commoner
奴才:I, your slave/servant (male)
奴婢:I, your slave/servant (female)
奴家:I, your wife
老朽:I, who am old and unable
老夫:I, who am old and respected
老漢:I, who am an old man
老拙:I, who am old and clumsy
老衲:I, the old monk
老身:I, this old body (for a lady referring to herself)
皇室(the royal family)
孤:I, the ruler of a kingdom (literally, 'alone' - refers to the fact that the king ascends the throne upon becoming orphaned)【指皇帝登基之時父親已經去世】
寡:I, the ruler of a kingdom (same as above)
寡人:I, the ruler of a kingdom (same as above)
不穀:I, the ruler of a dissolute kingdom (literally, 'proce no grain')【不產糧食】
朕:I, the emporer (originally a generic first person pronoun, later exclusively used by emperors from the Qin Dynasty onward)【本為普通第一人稱代詞,秦以後為皇帝專用】
本宮:I, the empress/concubine
哀家:I, the emperor's mother (literally 'the sad house', indicating the grief of the deceased former emperor)【指對去世先帝所感到的悲傷】
臣妾:I, your concubine
兒臣:I, your son official/subject
官員(government officials)
臣:I, your subject (officials addressing themselves in front of the emperor, in official writing, the character should be written half the size of normal font in front of the name)【官員在皇帝面前自稱;在書面語中,這個字寫在名字前,字型大小是正常大小的一半】
下官:I, the low official (officials addressing themselves in front of a superior official)【在上級面前官員的自稱】
末官:I, the lesser official
小吏:I, the small scribe/official
卑職:I, the humble position (officials addressing their patrons or someone of equal rank)【官員在對自己有好處的人與同級官吏面前的自稱】
末將:I, the lowest general (generals addressing themselves in front of superiors)【將官在上級面前自稱】
本官:I, your superior (used when the official must assert his ranking in front of lower officials)【在下級官員面前使用】
學術或宗教職位(scholarly or religious professions)
小生:I, who was born later
晚生:I, who was born later
晚學:I, who started studying later
不才:I, who am without talent
不佞:I, who am without talent
不肖:I, who did not respect you
晚輩:I, who belong to a younger generation (therefore lower/humbler)
貧僧:I, the poor monk
貧尼:I, the poor nun
說話者自己的家庭(the speaker's family)
家~:prefix for elder family members (living)【指在世的家庭長者】
先~:prefix for elder family members (deceased)【指去世的家庭長者】
舍~:prefix for younger family members
小兒:my son, who is small
小女:my daugher, who is small
內人/內子:referring to one's wife
愚~:prefix for referring to one's self and one's family members
犬子:my son, who is comparable to a puppy
拙夫:my husband, who is inferior
拙荊:my wife, who is inferior
賤內:the one within (i.e. my wife), who is worthless
寒舍:my worthless residence
對別人說話或提及他人(addressing or referring to others)
萬歲:you, of ten thousand years (here 'ten-thousand' is a marker for a large number. Years here refers specifically to 'years of age')【萬指很大的數字;歲專指年齡】
萬歲爺:you, the lord of ten thousand years
聖上:you, the holy up high
聖駕:you, the holy procession
天子:the son of heaven (when referring to the emperor in a third person)【第三人稱指皇帝】
陛下:beneath your ceremonial ramp (used when referring to the emperor directly)【用於直接指稱皇帝】
龍體:the dragon's body (emperor's body, health)【指皇帝的身體或健康】
龍顏:the dragon's face (emperor's face, mood)【指皇帝的臉部或情緒】
重要人物(important people)
殿下:beneath your palace (for members of the imperial family)【用於皇室成員】
王爺:you, the princely lord (for kings and princes)【用於親王與王子】
爵爺:you, the noble lord (for kes, marquesses, earls, viscounts, and barons)【用於公侯伯子男各級貴族】
麾下:beneath your flag (for generals) 【軍官用語】
卿:official (for the royal family to address officials)【皇室對官員的稱呼】
節下:beneath your ceremonial banner (for ambassadors)【外交官用語】
閣下:beneath your pavilion (for important people)【對重要人物】
前輩:you, who belong to an older generation
對方家庭成員(the addressee's family members)
令尊/令尊翁:the beautiful and respectful (i.e. your father)
令堂/令壽堂:the beautiful and dignified (i.e. your mother)
令閫:the beautiful door to the woman's room (i.e. your wife)
令兄:the beautiful elder brother (i.e. your brother)
令郎/令公子:the beautiful yong lord (i.e. your son)
令愛/令媛:the beautiful and beloved (i.e. your daughter)
令千金:the beautiful and a thousand gold (i.e. your daughter)
尊上:the respectful above (i.e. your father)
尊公/尊府/尊君:the respectful lord (i.e. your father)
尊堂:the respectful and dignified (i.e. your mother)
尊親:the respectful related (i.e. your relatives)
尊駕:the respectful procession (i.e. you, the guest)
賢橋梓:the virtuous you (father and son)
賢伉儷:the virtuous you (husband and wife)
賢昆仲:the virtuous you (brothers)
賢昆玉:the virtuous you (sisters)
自家人(one's own family)
賢妻:you, my esteemed wife
賢弟/賢棣:you, my esteemed younger brother
賢侄:you, my esteemed nephew
夫人:you, my wife
夫君:you, my husband
郎君:you, my husband
官人:you, my husband
相公:you, my husband
仁兄:you, my kind older brother
愛~:prefix for beloved family members, e.g. 愛妾
賢家:the virtuous house (i.e. you)
賢郎:the virtuous young man (i.e. your son)
賢弟:the virtuous younger brother (either addressing one's own younger brother, or referring to the listener's younger brother) 【可指自家弟弟也可指對方弟弟】
仁兄:the kind older brother (older male friend)
仁公:the kind lord (when addressing someone senior)
長輩或去世的人(elders or deceased)
丈~:prefix for old people
太~:prefix for elders
先帝:dead emperor
先考/先父:dead father
顯考:honorable deceased father
先慈/先妣:dead mother
顯妣:honorable deceased mother
先賢:dead knowledgeable person
亡~:prefix for deceased younger people
陌生人或社會交往(strangers or social encounters)
貴子弟:your honorable son
貴家長:your honorable parent(s)
貴公司:your honorable company
貴寶號:your valuable business
貴國:your honorable country
貴姓:your honorable surname
貴庚:your honorable age
相公:term of address for any young gentleman
府上:your home

B. 卑鄙小人 用英語怎麼

1、dirty dog
2、yellow dog
3、small person

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