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Ⅰ 楂樿冨繀澶囪嫳璇鍙h鍙ュ瓙

銆 #鑻辮鍙h# 瀵艱銆戝︿範鑻辮璐靛湪鍧氭寔錛屾壘鍒伴傚悎鑷宸辯殑鏂規硶錛屽氳繍鐢ㄥ氭俯鏁呫傛㈣繋闃呰 錛

銆銆 銆愰珮鑰冨繀澶囪嫳璇鍙h鍙ュ瓙銆

銆銆1. That is the reason why I鈥檓 not in favour of revising the plan.


銆銆2. His failure was e to the fact that he had not practised for a long time.


銆銆3. It is likely that it will rain in the evening.


銆銆4. How they went to America is what I want to know.


銆銆5. It occurred to him that he had left his key at home.


銆銆6. The reason why he came late was that he didn鈥檛 catch the early bus.


銆銆7. I鈥檓 looking forward to the day when Tai Wan returns to China.


銆銆8. He sat by the fire, reading a novel.


銆銆9. My dream came true at last.


銆銆10. It will not be long before we meet again.


銆銆11. The English play in which my students acted at the New Year鈥檚 party was a great success.


銆銆12. I worked in a business where almost everyone is waiting for a great chance.


銆銆13. He kept looking at her, wondering whether he had seen her somewhere.


銆銆14. It is a great honor for Beijing that the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.


銆銆15. Timmy was fined a large sum of money by the judge for drunken driving.

銆銆鐢變簬琚鍒ゅ畾閰掗┚錛孴immy 琚緗氫簡涓澶х瑪閽便

銆銆16. Although he thought he was helping us with the work, he was actually in the way.


銆銆17. Most hotels have websites where you can find answers to your questions.


銆銆18. That most of languages are now threatened and may disappear is a serious matter to the people.


銆銆19. The fact that Great Britain is made up of three countries is still unknown to many people.


銆銆20. Now that you鈥檝e got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.


銆銆21. It was only when I reread his poems recently that I begin to appreciate their beauty.


銆銆22. As is reported in the newspapers, talks between the two countries are making progress.


銆銆23. They came to the conclusion that not all things can be done by a computer.


銆銆24. Smoking does great harm to our health.


銆銆25. Only then did he realize his mistakes.


銆銆26. Come and see me whenever you are convenient .


銆銆27. I thought Jim would say something about his school report , but he didn鈥檛 mention it .


銆銆28. By the end of last year , another new gymnasium had been completed in Beijing.


銆銆29. when and where to go for the on鈥攕alary holiday has not been decided.


銆銆30. I wonder why Jenny hasn鈥檛 written us recently. We should have heard from her by now.


銆銆 銆愰珮鑰冭嫳璇鍙h緇冧範鍙ュ瓙銆

銆銆1.Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn.


銆銆2. Of the millions who saw Haley鈥檚 comet in 1986, how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century.


銆銆3. Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions.


銆銆4. Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued.


銆銆5. In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, proce something consumers consider useful or desirable.


銆銆6. The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse.


銆銆7. It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one鈥檚 meaning.


銆銆8. With modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors.


銆銆9. The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken.


銆銆10. The knee is the joints where the thigh bone meets the large bone of the lower leg.


銆銆11. Acids are chemical compounds that, in water solution, have a sharp taste, a corrosive action on metals, and the ability to turn certain blue vegetable dyes red.


銆銆12. Billie Holiday鈥檚 reputation as a great jazz-blues singer rests on her ability to give emotional depth to her songs.

銆銆Billie Holiday鈥檚浣滀負涓涓鐖靛+甯冮瞾鏂涔愭澃鍑烘瓕鎵嬬殑鍚嶅0寤虹珛鍦ㄨ兘澶熻祴浜堟瓕鏇叉劅鎯呮繁搴︾殑鑳藉姏銆

銆銆13. Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of what is conceived to be reality.


銆銆14. Long before children are able to speak or understand a language, they communicate through facial expressions and by making noises.


銆銆15. Thanks to modern irrigation, crops now grow abundantly in areas where once nothing but cacti and sagebrush could live.


銆銆16. The development of mechanical timepieces spurred the search for more accurate sundials with which to regulate them.


銆銆17. Anthropology is a science in that anthropologists use a rigorous set of methods and techniques to document observations that can be checked by others.


銆銆18. Fungi are important in the process of decay, which returns ingredients to the soil, enhances soil fertility, and decomposes animal debris.


銆銆19. When it is struck, a tuning fork proces an almost pure tone, retaining its pitch over a long period of time.


銆銆20. Although pecans are most plentiful in the southeastern part of the United States, they are found as far north as Ohio and Illinois .


銆銆 銆愰珮鑰冭嫳璇鍙h蹇呰儗鍙ュ瓙銆

銆銆1.緇忔祹鐨勫揩閫熷彂灞 the rapid development of economy

銆銆2.浜烘皯鐢熸椿姘村鉤鐨勬樉钁楁彁楂/ 紼蟲ュ為暱theremarkable improvement/ steady growth of people鈥檚living standard

銆銆3.鍏堣繘鐨勭戝︽妧鏈 advanced science and technology

銆銆4.闈涓存柊鐨勬満閬囧拰鎸戞垬 be faced with new opportunities and challenges

銆銆5.浜轟滑鏅閬嶈や負 It is commonly believed/ recognized that鈥

銆銆6.紺句細鍙戝睍鐨勫繀鐒剁粨鏋 the inevitable result of social development

銆銆7.寮曡搗浜嗗箍娉涚殑鍏浼楀叧娉 arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention

銆銆8.涓嶅彲鍚﹁ It is undeniable that鈥/ There is no denying that鈥

銆銆9.鐑鐑堢殑璁ㄨ/ 浜夎 a heated discussion/ debate

銆銆10. 鏈変簤璁鎬х殑闂棰榓 controversial issue

銆銆11.瀹屽叏涓嶅悓鐨勮傜偣 a totally different argument

銆銆12.涓浜涗漢 鈥﹁屽彟澶栦竴浜涗漢 鈥 Some people鈥 while others鈥

銆銆13. 灝辨垜鑰岃█/ 灝變釜浜鴻岃█ As far as I am concerned, /Personally,

銆銆14.灝扁﹁揪鍒扮粷瀵圭殑涓鑷 reach an absolute consensus on鈥

銆銆15.鏈夊厖鍒嗙殑鐞嗙敱鏀鎸 be supported by sound reasons

銆銆16.鍙屾柟鐨勮虹偣 argument on both sides

銆銆17.鍙戞尌鐫鏃ョ泭閲嶈佺殑浣滅敤 play an increasingly important role in鈥

銆銆18.瀵光﹀繀涓嶅彲灝 be indispensable to 鈥

銆銆19.姝e傝皻璇鎵璇 As the proverb goes:

銆銆20.鈥︿篃涓嶄緥澶 鈥be no exception

銆銆21.瀵光︿駭鐢熸湁鍒/涓嶅埄鐨勫獎鍝 exertpositive/ negative effects on鈥

銆銆22.鍒╄繙榪滃ぇ浜庡紛 the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages銆

銆銆23.瀵艱嚧錛屽紩璧 lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in

銆銆24.澶嶆潅鐨勭ぞ浼氱幇璞 a complicated social phenomenon

銆銆25.璐d換鎰 / 鎴愬氨鎰 sense of responsibility/ sense ofachievement

銆銆26. 絝炰簤涓庡悎浣滅簿紲 sense of competition and cooperation

銆銆27. 寮闃旂溂鐣 widen one鈥檚 horizon/ broaden one鈥檚 vision

銆銆28.瀛︿範鐭ヨ瘑鍜屾妧鑳 acquire knowledge and skills

銆銆29.緇忔祹/蹇冪悊璐熸媴 financial burden / psychologicalburden

銆銆30.鑰冭檻鍒拌稿氬洜緔 take many factors into account/ consideration

銆銆31. 浠庡彟涓涓瑙掑害 from another perspective

銆銆32.鍋氬嚭鍏卞悓鍔鍔 make joint efforts

銆銆33. 瀵光︽湁鐩 be beneficial / concive to鈥

銆銆34.涓虹ぞ浼氬仛璐$尞 make contributions to the society

銆銆35.鎵撲笅鍧氬疄鐨勫熀紜 lay a solid foundation for鈥

銆銆36.緇煎悎緔犺川 comprehensive quality

銆銆37.鏃犲彲闈炶 blameless / beyond reproach

銆銆39.鑷村姏浜/ 鎶曡韓浜 be committed / devoted to鈥

銆銆40. 搴斿綋鎵胯 Admittedly,

銆銆 銆愰珮鑰冭嫳璇浣滄枃涓囪兘鍙ュ瓙銆

銆銆 涓銆佸紑澶村彞瀛

銆銆1.As far as ...is concerned 灝扁︹﹁岃█

銆銆2.It goes without saying that... 涓嶈█鑰屽柣錛...

銆銆3.It can be said with certainty that... 鍙浠ヨ偗瀹氬湴璇......

銆銆4.As the proverb says錛 姝e傝皻璇鎵璇寸殑錛

銆銆5.It has to be noticed that... 瀹冨繀欏繪敞鎰忓埌錛...

銆銆6.It's generally recognized that... 瀹冩櫘閬嶈や負...

銆銆7.It's likely that ... 榪欏彲鑳芥槸鍥犱負...

銆銆8.It's hardly that... 榪欐槸寰堥毦鐨......

銆銆9.It's hardly too much to say that... 瀹冨嚑涔庢病鏈夊お澶氱殑璇...

銆銆10.What calls for special attention is that...闇瑕佺壒鍒娉ㄦ剰鐨勬槸

銆銆11.There's no denying the fact that...姣鏃犵枒闂錛屾棤鍙鍚﹁

銆銆12.Nothing is more important than the fact that... 娌℃湁浠涔堟瘮榪欐洿閲嶈佺殑鏄鈥

銆銆13.what's far more important is that... 鏇撮噸瑕佺殑鏄鈥

銆銆 浜屻佽旀帴鍙ュ瓙

銆銆1.A case in point is ... 涓涓鍏稿瀷鐨勪緥瀛愭槸...

銆銆2.As is often the case...鐢變簬閫氬父鎯呭喌涓...

銆銆3.As stated in the previous paragraph 濡傚墠孌墊墍榪

銆銆4.But the problem is not so simple. Therefore 鐒惰岄棶棰樺苟闈炲傛ょ畝鍗曪紝鎵浠モ︹

銆銆5.But it's a pity that... 浣嗛仐鎲劇殑鏄鈥

銆銆6.For all that...瀵逛簬榪欎竴鍒...... In spite of the fact that...灝界′簨瀹......

銆銆7.Further, we hold opinion that... 姝ゅ栵紝鎴戜滑鍧氭寔璁や負錛

銆銆8.However , the difficulty lies in...鐒惰岋紝鍥伴毦鍦ㄤ簬鈥

銆銆9.Similarly, we should pay attention to... 鍚屾牱錛屾垜浠瑕佹敞鎰...


銆銆11.In view of the present station.閴翠簬鐩鍓嶅艦鍔

銆銆12.As has been mentioned above...姝e備笂闈㈡墍鎻愬埌鐨勨

銆銆13.In this respect, we may as well (say) 浠庤繖涓瑙掑害涓婃垜浠鍙浠ヨ

銆銆14.However, we have to look at the other side of the coin, that is... 鐒惰屾垜浠榪樺緱鐪嬪埌浜嬬墿鐨勫彟涓鏂歸潰錛屽嵆 鈥

銆銆 涓夈佺粨灝懼彞瀛

銆銆1.I will conclude by saying... 鏈鍚庢垜瑕佽粹

銆銆2.Therefore, we have the reason to believe that...鍥犳わ紝鎴戜滑鏈夌悊鐢辯浉淇♀

銆銆3.All things considered,鎬昏岃█涔 It may be safely said that...瀹冨彲浠ユ湁鎶婃彙鍦拌......

銆銆4.Therefore, in my opinion, it's more advisable...鍥犳わ紝鍦ㄦ垜鐪嬫潵錛屾洿鍙鍙栫殑鏄鈥

銆銆5.From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that鈥.閫氳繃浠ヤ笂璁ㄨ猴紝鎴戜滑鍙浠ュ緱鍑虹粨璁衡

銆銆6.The data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that鈥.閫氳繃鏁版嵁鎴戜滑寰楀埌鐨勭粨璁烘槸錛....

銆銆7.It can be concluded from the discussion that...浠庝腑鎴戜滑鍙浠ュ緱鍑鴻繖鏍風殑緇撹

銆銆8.From my point of view, it would be better if...鍦ㄦ垜鐪嬫潵鈥︹︿篃璁告洿濂

銆銆 鍥涖佷婦渚嬪彞瀛

銆銆1.Let's take...to illustrate this.

銆銆2.let's take the above chart as an example to illustrate this.

銆銆3. Here is one more example.

銆銆4.Take 鈥 for example.

銆銆5.The same is true of鈥.

銆銆6.This offers a typical instance of鈥.

銆銆7.We may quote a common example of鈥.

銆銆8.Just think of鈥.

銆銆 浜斻佸父鐢ㄤ簬寮曡█孌電殑鍙ュ瓙

銆銆1. Some people think that 鈥. 鏈変簺浜鴻や負鈥To be frank, I can not agree with their opinion for the reasons below. 鍧︾巼鍦拌達紝鎴戜笉鑳藉悓鎰忎粬浠鐨勬剰瑙侊紝鐞嗙敱濡備笅銆

銆銆2. For years, 鈥 has been seen as 鈥, but things are quite different now.澶氬勾鏉ワ紝鈥︹︿竴鐩磋瑙嗕負鈥︹︼紝浣嗕粖澶╃殑鎯呭喌鏈夊緢澶х殑涓嶅悓銆

銆銆3. I believe the title statement is valid because鈥. 鎴戣や負榪欎釜璁虹偣鏄姝g『鐨勶紝鍥犱負鈥

銆銆4. I cannot entirely agree with the idea that 鈥.鎴戞棤娉曞畬鍏ㄥ悓鎰忚繖涓瑙傜偣鐨勨 I believe鈥.

銆銆5. My argument for this view goes as follows.鎴戝硅繖涓闂棰樼殑鐪嬫硶濡備笅銆

銆銆6. Along with the development of鈥, more and more鈥.闅忕潃鈥︹︾殑鍙戝睍錛岃秺鏉ヨ秺澶氣

銆銆7. There is a long-running debate as to whether鈥.鏈変竴涓闀挎湡榪愯岀殑杈╄猴紝鏄鍚︹

銆銆8. It is commonly/generally/widely/ believed /held/accepted/recognized that鈥.瀹冮氬父鏄璁や負鈥

銆銆9. As far as I am concerned, I completely agree with the former/ the latter.灝辨垜鑰岃█錛屾垜瀹屽叏鍚屾剰鍓嶈/鍚庤呫

銆銆10. Before giving my opinion, I think it is essential to look at the argument of both sides.鍦ㄧ粰鍑烘垜鐨勮傜偣涔嬪墠錛屾垜鎯蟲湁蹇呰佺湅鐪嬪弻鏂圭殑璁烘嵁銆

銆銆 鍏銆佽〃紺烘瘮杈冨拰瀵規瘮鐨勫父鐢ㄥ彞瀛愬拰琛ㄨ揪娉

銆銆1. A is completely / totally / entirely different from B.

銆銆2. A and B are different in some/every way / respect / aspect.

銆銆3. A and B differ in鈥.

銆銆4. A differs from B in鈥.

銆銆5. The difference between A and B is/lies in/exists in鈥.

銆銆6. Compared with/In contrast to/Unlike A, B鈥.

銆銆7. A鈥, on the other hand,/in contrast,/while/whereas B鈥.

銆銆8. While it is generally believed that A 鈥, I believe B鈥.

銆銆9. Despite their similarities, A and B are also different.

銆銆10. Both A and B 鈥. However, A鈥; on the other hand, B鈥.

銆銆11. The most striking difference is that A鈥, while B鈥.

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