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發布時間: 2024-06-11 12:14:03

1. 騫煎効綆鍗曡嫳璇鏁欏︽暀妗

銆銆 3銆佺ぜ鐗╁睍紺篛k, I have a dinosaur. I am ha y. Are you ha y? (Yes.) What do you have?(騫煎効杞嫻佷互鍙ュ瓙"I have鈥"浠嬬粛鑷宸卞緱鍒扮殑紺肩墿銆)

銆銆 鍥涖丟ift Making (紺肩墿鍒朵綔)瑁呴グ鎵嬪楀拰琚滃瓙 Do you want to make gifts for the teacher, or you good friend? Yes or no? (Yes)Ok, I give you these, What is it? (琚滃瓙,鎵嬪椼) Socks琚滃瓙. Gloves鎵嬪.You can paint in red, yellow, flowers, or the other. Please make it to a gifts, ok?(騫煎効鑷鐢辮呴グ鎵嬪楀拰琚滃瓙銆)


銆銆鏁欏﹀唴瀹:red light


銆銆 2.鍩瑰吇騫煎効瀵硅嫳璇璇嶈鐨勭悊瑙h兘鍔涘強鍙嶅簲鑳藉姏.

銆銆 3.鐭ラ亾鍑犵嶅父瑙佺殑浜ら氳勫垯.


銆銆鏁欏﹁繃紼嬶細1銆傚笀鐢熺浉浜掗棶濂姐侫:Good morning evrybody!B:Good morning Miss zheng .

銆銆 2.TPR.

銆銆 Long lizard long ,lying on a log ,

銆銆 look at the lizard ,lying on a log.

銆銆 3.鏁欏笀澹版儏騫惰寕鐨勮茬孩緇跨伅鐨勬晠浜嬶紝騫煎効鍒濇ュ嶄範Red銆乊ellow銆乬reen銆乬o絳夐滆壊鐨勮瘝騫跺垵姝ユ劅鐭Stop 銆亀ait

銆銆 錛1錛夊皬鐚寸涓嬈$粡榪囧嶮瀛楄礬鍙f椂錛屼粬鍙戠幇浜嗕粈涔堬紵

銆銆 錛2錛夊綋瀹冨緢璁ょ湡鐪嬫椂錛屼粈涔堢伅浜浜嗭紵瀹冨惉鍒拌皝鍦ㄥ彨?灝忕唺璇翠簡浠涔堬紵

銆銆 錛3錛夊皬鐚寸浜屾$粡榪囧嶮瀛楄礬鍙f椂錛屼粈涔堢伅浜浜嗭紵浠栨槸鎬庝箞鍋氱殑錛熷皬鐔婂張鏄鎬庝箞璇寸殑錛

銆銆 4.騫煎効瀛︿範鍔ㄨ瘝Stop 銆亀ait

銆銆 錛1錛夊辜鍎誇笌甯堣竟蹇墊瓕璋h竟浣滃姩浣溿傚仠涓鍋淪topStopStop銆傜瓑涓絳墂ait wait wait

銆銆 錛2錛変綘鑳界敤鑻辮璇磋存垜鍋氫簡浠涔堝姩浣滃悧錛

銆銆 5.甯堟湕璇電ヨ埃銆

銆銆 浣犲惉鍒頒簡浠涔堬紵浣犱細璇村悧錛

銆銆 6.騫煎効涓庡笀鏈楄靛苟琛ㄦ紨絝ヨ埃銆


銆銆钄鑿 Vegetables


銆銆1銆佷簡瑙d竴浜涘父瑙佽敩鑿滅殑鍚嶇О鍜岀壒寰併傦紙瑗跨孩鏌縏omato銆侀粍鐡渃ucumber銆佺帀綾矼aize, 鑳¤悵鍗淐arrot錛




銆銆T錛歒esterday錛寃e have gone to fruit鈥檚 home. We has known the apple , banana , Orange and pear, do you also remember them?


銆銆T錛歰k錛丯ow let me test you !錛堟暀甯堝嚭紺哄浘鐗囷紝闂錛

銆銆 Please take a picture. What is this? Is this a fruit錛 Let the vegetables gone here to line up. All these are fruit, all these are vegetables. 銆銆浜屻佽よ瘑钄鑿


銆銆T錛歍his is 鈥︹. 銆銆1錛塛hat color is it?錛堝湪榛戞澘涓婄敾鍑洪滆壊錛

銆銆2錛塛hat sample is it?錛堝湪榛戞澘涓婄敾鍑烘牱瀛愶級

銆銆T錛歍his is a tomato / Cucumber / Maize / Carrot. 銆銆 It is red / green / yellow / Orange.

銆銆 It is Round / long銆丆urved寮 / small銆丱ne for one涓綺掍竴綺 / long銆乀hick綺.


銆銆Sample錛 銆銆T錛歂ow let us know these vegetables again. Please read after me.


銆銆Today, we鈥檒l go to vegetables鈥檚 home. Look, it鈥檚 a pocket. Many vegetables in it. What vegetables inside this pocket錛 If you want to know ,please touch one. Who can try? 銆銆騫煎効涓婂墠鎽革紝鎻愰啋浠栦滑鎽鎬竴涓猅ouch one錛孭lease tell us, What have you touched to? what is this錛


銆銆T錛歂ow we will going to do a game鈥淚 say You Take鈥. I will tell the color and sample of the vegetables , Please lift the picture of the vegetables. Other people do judgement 錛孖f they are right please clap your hands, if they are wrong please stamp your foot . Do you understand? Ok錛乄ho can try?

銆銆鐢誨ソ鍚庢彁闂錛歅lease tell us 錛寃hat vegetables have you drawn?


銆銆T錛歂ext錛孖 want to test your eyes. I will show a kind of vegetables very fast , please tell me what vegetables this is. Ok錛

2. 生活中常見兒童英語口語表達


1.Is everyone here?每個人都在嗎?

2.When teacher calls your name,please stand up and say "Here。" 當老師叫到你的名字時,要站起來說“到”。

3.Do you remember your name?還記得你們的名字嗎?

4.Is 人名 here?______在嗎?


6.Who is not here?誰不在?

7.Who is not here?誰沒到。

8.Why are you late?為什麼遲到?

9.What happened?發生了什麼事情?

10.Come in.請進。


1.Noon break now.午睡時間到了。

2. Take off your clothes.脫衣服。

3. Fold up your clothes.疊好衣服。

4. Go to bed now.睡覺了。

5. Close your eyes.閉眼。

6. Cover yourself up.蓋好被子。

7. Put your hands into the quilt.把你的手放進被子里。

8. Wake up.起床了。

9. Put on your clothes.穿衣服。

10. Dress yourself.自己穿衣服。


1.Pretty good!非常好!

2.You are the best!你是最棒的!

3.Good for you!非常好!

4.Good job!乾的不錯!

5.You are great!你真棒!

6.Sounds great.聽上去不錯。

7.You look great!你今天看上去不錯鏈蘆!



10.You look sharp!你看上去真精神!

11.Well done!乾的好!

12.Nice going!非常好!

13.Nice try!不錯的嘗試!

14.Nice job!乾的好!

15.You are wonderful!你太棒了!

16.Wonderful job! 幹得真棒!

17.So lovable!太可愛了!

18.Beautiful! 真漂亮!

19.So cute! 真可愛!

20.So sweet! 真可愛!

21.You look so lovely today.你今天看起來真可愛!

22.Not bad!不錯!

23.You can do it.你能做到!




27.You are so smart!你真聰明!

28.We are proud of you!我們為你驕傲!

29.You are great!你太棒了輪喚仔!

30.It looks great!看起來太棒了!

32.You are so cool!你真酷!

33.Adorable. 真可愛。


1.Stop talking. 不要講話。

2.Listen carefully.仔細聽。

3.Please be quiet.請安靜。

4.Please keep quiet.請保持安靜。

5.Don't push anyone else. 不要推其他人。

6.Attention please. 請注意。

7.You are too noisy, please stop. 你太吵了,請停止。

8.Don't talk. 不要吵。

9.Go back to your seat.回到你的座位上去。


1.Ready? 准備好了嗎?

2.Lets begin now. 讓我們開始。

3.Who can answer the question? 誰能回答這個問題?

4.Class begin. 開始上課。

5.Look at the blackboard. 看黑板。

6.Keep quite./ Keep silence. 保持安靜。

7.Sit down. 坐下。

8.Put your hand up. 把手舉臘汪起來。

9.Stop talking. 別說話。

10.Is that clear? / Understand? 清楚了么?你明白嗎?

11.Read with me. 和我一起讀。

12.Get back to your seat. 回到你的座位。

13.Open your book.翻開書。

14.Listen carefully. 仔細聽。

15.Listen to the music.聽音樂。

16.Speak in English. 用英語說。

17.Do you know? 你知道嗎?

18.Let’s play a game. 讓我們來做游戲。

19.Let’s write something. 讓我們來寫點什麽。

20.Let’s dance. 一起跳舞吧。


3. 幼兒園學的英語單詞有哪些


























Jan. (January)一月——Feb.(February)二月——Mar.(March)三月——April四月——May五月——June六月——July七月——Aug.(August)八月——Sept.(September)九月——Oct.(October)十月——Nov.(November)十一月——Dec.(December)十二月。

4. 鍎跨ヨ嫳璇鍙h甯哥敤鍙ュ瀷




銆銆1.How are you?-I’m fine. Thank you. and you?


銆銆2.Good morning / afternoon/evening/night.


銆銆3.What’s your name?


銆銆4. What’s wrong with you? (What’sthe matter?)


銆銆5.Let’s get ready for class!


銆銆6.One bye one please.no pushing.


銆銆7.Let’s go back to the classroom.


銆銆8.Do you want anymore?


銆銆9.I’d like to drink some milk!


銆銆10.Who wants to try?


銆銆11.Today we are going to learn some new worlds銆


銆銆12.Don’t be afraid/shy!


銆銆13. I’m going to learn Disney’s Magic English.



銆銆瀵硅瘽涓錛欴on't be that negative

銆銆A:I always think everybody looks down on me

銆銆B:Don't be that negative.

銆銆A:How can you be optimistic? You can see it in their eyes.

銆銆B:I find it there is no meaning in living this world.

銆銆A:Don't be that negative.

銆銆B:Really, life is so boring.

銆銆瀵硅瘽浜岋細Do it step by step

銆銆A: Why are you in such a hurry?

銆銆B: I should finish it as soon as possible.

銆銆A: Don't worry, do it step by step

銆銆B: Why can I learn it?

銆銆A: Don't worry, do it step by step.

銆銆B: I feel I really stupid.

銆銆瀵硅瘽涓夛細Just let it ago

銆銆A: How are you getting along with your wife now?

銆銆B: What can you expect? Not that good.

銆銆A: What are you going to do then?

銆銆B: Just let it go.

銆銆A: How are your work now?

銆銆B: Not bad, just let it go.

銆銆瀵硅瘽鍥涳細You'll find a way

銆銆A: How can I tell her about this?

銆銆B: Don't worry, you'll find a way.

銆銆A: There is no need to be so frustrated.

銆銆B: How can you live without job in the future.

銆銆A: Don't worry, you'll find a way.

銆銆瀵硅瘽浜旓細Don't mistake her as somebody

銆銆A:Is that girl your girlfriend?

銆銆B: No, it's not.

銆銆A: She doesn't look like our classmate.

銆銆B: Don't mistake her as somebody. She 's my older sister.

銆銆A: Really, she's so pretty.

銆銆B: Everyone says she looks better than me. Was the handsome young man your boyfriend?

銆銆A: Don't mistake him as someb.


5. 綆鐭鐨勫辜鍎垮皬鏁呬簨鑻辨枃

1銆佷粠姝や粬浠鎴愪簡濂芥湅鍙2騫煎効綆鍗曡嫳璇灝忔晠浜嬭佷漢鍜岃佺尗 An old man has a cat The cat is very old錛 too He runs very quickly And his teeth are bad One evening錛 the old cat sees a little mouse銆
2銆佺畝鐭鐨勫辜鍎胯嫳鏂囧皬鏁呬簨1 Today錛 I operated on a little girl She needed O blood We didn鈥檛 have any錛 but her twin brother has O blood I explained to him that it was a matter of life and deat銆
3銆佸効絝ヨ嫳璇灝忔晠浜1 In the field錛 there was a small animal called quotwu shuquotthe flying squirrel1 It would say to everyone it met quotI have five skills flying錛 walking錛 swimming錛 climbing trees錛 and digging holes銆
4銆佺啛璇 鍎跨 鑻辮灝 鏁呬簨 鍙浠ヨ╁効絝ユ洿鏃╂帴瑙﹁嫳璇錛屽苟涓旇嫳璇灝忔晠浜嬫瘮杈冩湁瓚o紝鍎跨ヤ滑浼氬硅嫳璇浜х敓鍏磋叮涓嬮潰鎴戠粰澶у朵粙緇嶅叧浜庡効絝ヨ嫳鏂囨晠浜嬶紝鏂逛究澶у跺︿範 鍎跨ヨ嫳鏂囨晠浜1 The House of 1000 Mirrors Long ago in a small錛 faraway village銆
5銆佽嫳鏂囧湪鎴戜滑鐢熸椿涓鍙樺緱瓚婃潵瓚婇噸瑕侊紝緇 鍎跨 璁茶嫳鏂 鏁呬簨 錛屾湁鍔╀簬浠栦滑鍙婃棭鎺ヨЕ鑻辮涓嬮潰鎴戠粰澶у朵粙緇嶅叧浜庡効絝ヨ嫳璇灝忔晠浜嬶紝鏂逛究澶у跺︿範 鍎跨ヨ嫳璇灝忔晠浜1 There is a frog He lives in a well and he never goes out of the we銆

6銆佸皬鐝騫煎効鑻辮鏁呬簨1綰㈣殏鋩佺殑鑺傛棩紺肩墿 Ant day in the morning錛 took one look red ants up toward the window It#39s a nice day It seems today is a good dayRed ants go outside for a walk錛 he holds銆
7銆佺ヨ瘽鏁呬簨鍚嶈椽蹇冪殑鐙瀛 Greedy Lion鐙瀛愬湪鏍戜笅鎶撳埌涓鍙姝e湪鐫¤夌殑鍏斿瓙錛屾f兂楗遍愪竴欏匡紝鍗村張鐪嬪埌涓鍙楣誇粠鏃佽竟緇忚繃錛屽張璐蹇冪殑涓涓嬪厰瀛愬幓榪介箍The lion caught a sleeping rabbit under the tree and was trying to銆
8銆佷竴鍙灝忕唺鐚鎽樹簡涓鍙澶у崡鐡滐紝鎯蟲妸瀹冩嬁鍥炲朵絾鏄榪欏彧鍗楃摐澶澶т簡錛屽ス娌℃湁鍔炴硶鎶婅繖涔堝ぇ鐨勫崡鐡滃甫鍥炲禨uddenly she sees a bear riding a bike toward her She watches the bike 鈥淚 know錛 I have a good idea鈥濄
9銆佺櫧闆鍏涓籘he Story of Snow White1 It is a cold winter day2 A baby錛 Her name is Snow White3 She is very beautiful4 Everybody loves her5 The aninals love her too6 The Queen loves her銆
10銆1楣﹂泙絎戦箯As the legend goes錛 ring ancient times錛 in the expansive open country of North China錛 there was a kind of birds called quotrocsquotThe roc was very huge錛 with its back like a big mountain銆
11銆佹晠浜嬩簩 鑰佷漢鍜岃佺尗 涓涓騫磋繄鐨勮佷漢鍏諱竴鍙鐚榪欏彧鐚涔熼潪甯歌佷簡濂硅窇寰楀緢蹇錛屼絾鏄鐗欓嬌寰堢碂緋曚竴澶╃帇榪樻槸閭d釜錛岃繖鍙鑰佺尗鐪嬭佷竴鍙灝忚侀紶瀹冩姄浣忎簡灝忚侀紶錛屼絾鏄瀹冨嵈鍚冧笉浜嗗畠錛屽洜涓哄畠鐨勭墮榻誇笉澶熼攱鍒╀簡榪欏彧灝忚侀紶閫冭窇銆

12銆佸惎钂欒嫳璇鏄騫煎効鑻辮 鏁欒偛 涓寰堝ぇ鐨勪竴閮ㄥ垎錛屾棤蹇ц冪綉涓烘偍鎻愪緵涓撲笟鐨勫辜鍎垮惎钂 鑻辮 鐭ヨ瘑澶у叏 璁╂偍鐨勫╁瓙鐪熸d韓鍙楄叮鍛 鑻辮瀛︿範 涓嬮潰鎴戠粰澶у朵粙緇嶅叧浜 鍎跨 鑻辨枃 鏁呬簨 錛屾柟渚垮ぇ瀹跺︿範 鍎跨ヨ嫳鏂囨晠浜1 A little kid fell in love wi銆
13銆乶e day錛 he was having a meal in a small country hotel and wanted to order some eggs But he couldn#39t remember the word for eggsSuddenly錛 through the window錛 he saw a rooster walking in the yard銆
15銆乀he Father and His Sons 鐖朵翰鍜屽╁瓙浠 Father had a family of sons who were perpetually quarrelling among themselves When he failed to heal their disputes by his exhortations錛 he determined to give them a銆
16銆佸皬鐢峰╀笌銛庡瓙 鏈変釜灝忓╁湪鍩庡欏墠鎹夎毐銍錛屼竴浼氬効灝辨崏浜嗚稿氬拷鐒剁湅瑙佷竴鍙銛庡瓙錛屼粬浠ヤ負涔熸槸鋩辮湤錛 渚跨潃涓ゆ墜鍘繪崟鎹変粬銛庡瓙涓捐搗浠栫殑姣掑埡錛岃撮亾鈥滄潵鍚э紝濡傛灉浣犵湡鏁㈣繖鏍峰仛錛屽氨榪炰綘鎹夌殑鋩 銍涔熶細緇熺粺澶辨帀鈥 榪欐晠浜嬪憡璇浜轟滑錛岃佸垎杈ㄦ竻濂戒漢銆

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