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發布時間: 2021-08-04 17:32:38

『壹』 "通貨膨脹"和"通貨緊縮"的英語怎麼

通貨膨脹有三種類型,低通貨膨脹(low inflation)、急劇通貨膨脹(galloping inflation)和惡性通貨膨脹(hyperinflation)。
通貨膨脹的三種主要形式為「需求拉動通脹」(demand-pull inflation)、「成本推動通脹」(cost-push inflation)和「固有型通貨膨脹」(built-in inflation)

『貳』 通貨膨脹用英語雜翻譯


『叄』 通貨膨脹用英文來表達是怎麼說的呢


『肆』 通貨膨脹的英文縮寫


『伍』 通貨膨脹的英文縮寫是什麼

1、供需失衡 比如食品行業 這是需求拉動型的通脹
2、成本拉動 比如原油鐵礦等國際價格上升 國內這些行業的價格上漲
3、國內投資過熱 大量流動性流向樓市股市 流動性過剩導致通脹壓力加大
4、國際貿易失衡 巨額順差的長期存在 外匯占款嚴重 RMB投放過多

『陸』 通貨膨脹用英語怎麼說

[詞典] inflation; mounting inflation; currency inflation; expansion of the currency;inflatable;
[例句]但是通貨膨脹和失業問題仍然激起了內很多人容的 恨。
But the problems of inflation and unemployment still cause a lot of resentment.

『柒』 通貨膨脹的英文怎麼說

  1. inflation 通貨膨脹

  2. deflation 通貨緊縮

『捌』 "通貨膨脹"和"通貨緊縮"的英語該怎麼說

A persistent increase in the level of consumer prices or a persistent decline in the purchasing power of money, caused by an increase in available currency and credit beyond the proportion of available goods and services.

通貨緊縮: deflation
A persistent decrease in the level of consumer prices or a persistent increase in the purchasing power of money because of a rection in available currency and credit.

『玖』 英語作文:通貨膨脹

China Shifts Policy To Choke InflationThe announcement by China's leadership of a tougher economic policy for 2008 shows a new consensus that more has to be done to address risks of inflation and overheating in the nation's fast-growing economy.The new position, which formalizes a policy shift already under way over the past couple of months, was announced yesterday at the close of the annual Central Economic Work Conference chaired by President Hu Jintao.The rise in inflation, which this year was running at 4.4% through October, has become a major concern of the leadership and has apparently trumped any worries about a slowdown in the world economy.Although policy makers have been expressing concerns about rapid growth in bank lending and corporate investment for some time, inflation brought new worries of eroding living standards and increased social tensions.China's inflation has so far been confined mostly to food prices, but it is a definite concern. In October, for example, cooking oil cost 34% more than a year earlier. Policy makers say their goal is to prevent such price increases from spreading throughout the economy.In order to achieve that, a 'tight' monetary policy will be followed for 2008, a rare and significant change in the official stance. Since the middle of this year, officials had characterized China's monetary policy as 'stable-to-tight,' which itself was somewhat tougher language than the previous standard of a 'stable' monetary policy.The new policy was announced by the central bank and the main economic-planning agency, the National Development and Reform Commission, two bodies sometimes seen to be at odds.What form next year's tighter policy could take is uncertain, but more direct controls of bank lending seem certain to be part of the mix. In recent weeks, the central bank has been rolling out a tougher supervision system to try to ensure that commercial banks next year will adhere to often-ignored lending quotas.

『拾』 通貨膨脹的英文翻譯 謝謝

inflation或者是expansion of currency都可以。

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