當前位置:首頁 » 歷物理化 » 葯物化學英文


發布時間: 2024-06-27 15:02:15

1. 什麼是葯物化學


2. 急!請幫我翻譯一下下列課程的英文名稱:

有機化學;Organic chemistry
分析化學;Analytical chemistry
物理化學;Physical chemistry
葯物化學;Pharmaceutical chemistry
天然葯物化學;Natural pharmaceutical chemistry
儀器分析;Instrument analysis
工程制圖;Engineering charting/graphics
化工原理;Principles of Chemical Instry
葯事管理學;Management science of medicinal matter
葯用植物學;Pharmaceutical botany
葯用高分子材料學;Pharmaceutical High Polymer Material science
葯物分析;Pharmaceutical analysis
葯劑學;Pharmaceutics/ pharmacy
生物葯劑與葯代動力學;Biological medicament and pharmacokinetics
制劑設備與車間工藝學;Preparation agent equipment and plant technology
中西制葯;Chinese and Western pharmacy
新葯研發;Research and development of new medicine
葯物檢驗;Medicine examination;
葯物鑒定;Medicine appraisal
葯物生產技術及質量控制;Medicine proction technology and quality control
葯品申報; Declaration for drugs
化學研究員;Chemistry researcher

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