1. 鑻辮鏁欏笀鐢ㄨ
1銆丩et's start class.=It's time for class.
5銆乄ho is on ty today?
6銆両s everyone / everybody here /present?
7銆両s anyone/anybody absent?
8銆乄ho鈥檚 absent?
9銆丩et's begin our class.
10銆乄e'll start / begin a new lesson today.
11銆乄hat day is it today?
n. (名詞);老師;回教師
1、The maths teacher was furious and gave me 50 lines.
2、My mother is a teacher.
a teacher of English, an English teacher
這兩個短語在表示「教英語的老師」時,二者均可用,只是要注意後者中的English要重讀。如果把後者中的English發了輕音, teacher發了重音,則成了「英籍老師」了。
3. 教師評價用語英語
1 招呼/問候語
教師的課堂教學實際上從其走進教室的那一刻起就開始了。A good beginning makes a good ending. 一個好的開端對於一堂課來說非常重要。教師主動、友好地同學生打招呼,不僅可以喚起學生的注意力,使其為開始上課作好准備,還可以創造一個平等、和諧、愉快的學習氛圍, 以保證課堂教學的順利進行。
Hi! Good morning/ afternoon.
Good morning/afternoon, class./boys and girls.
It』s so nice/I』m so happy to see you again.
Good , you look great/ wonderful today.
How are you doing?
How』s it going?
You look so happy, any good news?
OK, class/ boys and girls , are you ready to have class/begin?
(Instead of saying: 「You」)
May I know your name?
(That』s a nice name.)
Could you tell me your name, please?
(You』ve got a beautiful name. I really like it. )
Shall we begin our lesson now?
Let』s start our class, shall we?
2 提問語
教師在提問時態度和聲音要和藹、可親。提問語的使用要注意體現對學生的尊重, 不要讓學生感到緊張,有壓力。注意提問語的使用策略可減輕學生的學習焦慮情緒,保護學生的學習積極性。
Who』d like to answer the question?
Who can answer the question?
Who knows the answer?
Who』d like to have a try?
Would you like to try, Mary?
Tim, would you like to have a try?
Do you want to try, Lee?
Would you like a second try?
Would you like someone to help you?
Who』d like to help?
Who』d like to read the text?
Who can spell the word 「…」?
Can you spell the word 「…」?
Do you know the Chinese/English of the word…?
What』s the English/Chinese for 「…」?
Any volunteer?
Any one/ boy/ girl?
Have I made it clear?
Is it clear to you?
You see the point?
Got it? / Did you get it?
Are you alright with it?
Are you OK with the practice?
Have you done/finished your work/exercise yet?
3 反饋語
教師在使用肯定式評語對學生的課堂表現進行肯定和表揚時,一定要讓學生感到老師是在由衷地誇獎他。要避免敷衍和流於形式。不要濫用『Good』。有的老師過多地單一使用 『Good』 評價學生的表現,很難使學生從中受到激勵,激發學習的積極性。
Not bad. Thank you. (I』m sure you can do better next time.)
Good!Thank you. (I could see you』ve practiced a lot.)
Good boy/ girl . That』s a good answer. Thank you.
Quite good! (I really appreciate your effort.)
Very good!(I really enjoy it.)
Great! (You did a good job.)
Excellent! (Let』s give him/her a big hand!)
Wonderful!(I』m so proud of you.)
Well done! (Good boy/girl.)
Your answer is very good! (I admire your work.)
Nice going! (You make a great progress.)
4. 求作為一名英語老師一些基本的課堂用語
1.上課(Beginning a class)
(1)Let』 start now./Let』s begin our class/lesson.
(2)Stand up,please.
(3)Sit down,Pease.
(4)Hello,boys and girls/children.
(5)Good morning,class/everyone/everybody/children/boys and girls.
(6)Good afternoon,class/everyone/everybody/children/boys and girls.
(7)How are you today?
3.考勤(Checking attendance)
(8)Who』s on ty today?/Who』s helping this morning/today?
(9)Is everyone/everybody here/present?
(10)Is anyone away?/Is anybody away?
(11)Is anyone absent?/Is anybody absent?
(12)Who』s absent?/Who』s away?
(13)Where is he/she?
(14)Try to be on time./Don』t be late next time.
(15)Go back to your seat,please.
(16)What day is it today?
(17)What』s the date today?
(18)What』s the weather like today?
(19)What』s it like outside?
(20)Let』s start working./Let』s begin/start a new lesson./Let』s begin/start our lesson.
(21)First,let』s review/do some review.
(22)What did we learn In the last lesson?
(23)Who can tell/remember what we did In the last lesson/ yesterday?
(24)Now we』re going to do something new/different./Now let』s learn something new.
(25)We have some now words/sentences.
5.提起注意(Directing attention)
(26)Ready?/Are you ready?
(27)Did you get there?/Do you understand?
(28)Is that clear?
(29)Any volunteers?
(30)Do you know what to do?
(31)Be quiet,please./Quiet,please.
(33)Listen carefully,please.
(34)Listen to the tape recorder/the recording.
(35)Look carefully,please.
(36)Look over here.
(37)Watch carefully.
(38)Are your watching?
(39)Please look at the black-board/picture/map…
(40)Pay attention to your spelling/pronunciation.
6.課堂活動(Classroom activities)
(41)Start!/Start now.
(42)Everybody together./All together.
(43)Practise in a group./Practise In groups/In groups,please.
(44)Get into groups of three/four…
(45)Every body find a partner/friend.
(46)In pairs,please.
(47)One at a time./Let』s do It one by one.
(48)Now you,please./Your turn(Students name).
(49)Next,please.Now you do the same,please.
(50)Let』s act./Let』s act out/do the dialogue.
(51)Who wants to be A?
(52)Practise the dialogue,please.
(53)Now Tom will be A,and the other half will be B.
(54)Please take(play)the part of…
(55)Whose turn is It?
(56)It』s your turn.
(57)Wait your turn,please.
(58)Stand inline./Line up.
(59)One by one./One at a time,please.
(60)In twos./In pairs.
(61)Don』t speak out.
(62)Turn around.
(63)Could you please try It again?
(64)Could you please try the next one?
(65)Will you please help me?
(66)Can you try?
(68)Try your best./Do your best.
(69)Think it over and try again.
(70)Don』t be afraid/shy.
9.指令(Issuing a command)
(7)Say/Read after me,please.
(72)Follow me,please.
(73)Do what do.
(7)Repeat,please./Repeat after me.
(75)Once more,please./One more time,please.
(7)Come here,please.
(77)Please come to the front./Come up and write on the blackboard/chalkboard.
(78)Come and write It on the blackboard.
(79)Please go back to your seat.
(80)In English,please.
(81)Put your hand up,please.Raise your hand,please.
(82)Put your hands down,please./Hands down,please.
(83)Say it/Write it in Chinese/English.
(84)Please take out your books.
(85)Please open your books at page…/Find page…/Turn to Page…
(86)Please answer the question/questions./Please answer my qllllst1On(s).
(87)Please read this letter/word/sentence out loud./Please readout this letter/word/sentence.
(88)Please stop now./Stop now,please./Stop here,please.
(89)Clean up your desk/the classroom,please.
(90)It』s clean-up time./Tidy up your desk/the classroom.
(91)Put your things away./Clean off your desk./Pick up the scraps·
(92)Clean the blackboard.
(93)Plug in the tape-recorder,please.
(94)Put the tape-recorder away.
(95)Put the tap,In it』s box/cassette.
(96)Listen and repeat.
(97)Look and listen.
(98)Repeat after me.
(99)Follow the words.
(100)Fast./Quickly!/Be quick,please.
(101)Hurry!/Hurry up,please.
(102)Slow down,please.
(104)Bring me some chalk,please.
10.禁止和警告(Prohibition and warning)
(105)Stop talking./Stop talking now,please.
(106)Don』t talk./Everybody quiet,please.
(107)Don』t be silly.
(108)Settle down.
(109)Good,thank you.
( 10)Good/Very good./God job./Good work./Good example.
(111)A good answer./Nice work.
(112)Excellent./Great!/Well done./Very good./I like the way you
(13)That』s Interesting!
(114)Don』t worry about It./No problem.
(115)OK!/That』s OK.
(116)I don』t think so.
(117)That』s not quite right,any other answers?/That』s close/That』s almost right.
(118)Not quite,can anyone help him/her?/try again.
(119)A good try.
12.布置作業(Setting homework)
(120)For today』s homework…
(121)Practise after class./Practise at home.
(122)Say it out loud,before you write It down.
(123)Copy/Print/Write each word twice.
(124)Remember(Memorize)these words/sentences.
(125)Learn these words/these sentences/this text by heart.
(126)Do your homework./Do the next lesson./Do the new work.
13.下課(Dismissing the class)
(127)Hand in your workbooks,please.
(128)Time is up.
(129)The bell is ringing.
(130)There』s the bell.
(131)There goes the bell.
(132)Let』s stop here.
(133)That』s all for today.
(134)Class is over.
(135)Good bye./Bye./See you next time. 夠了不?
5. 小學英語教師課堂常用語有哪些
1、Let』s get ready for class. 准備上課。
2、Class begins. 上課。
3、Who』s on ty today? 今天誰值日?
4、Is everyone here? 都到齊了嗎?
5、Who』s absent today? 今天誰沒來?
6、Open your books, please. 請翻開書。
7、Please turn to Page 12. 請翻開書本十二頁
8、Please take out your notebooks/exercise books. 請拿出筆記本/練習本。
9、No more talking, please. 請安靜。
10、Let』s have a dictation. 讓我們來聽寫。
11、We』re going to have a new lesson today. 今天我們要上新課。
12、First let』s have a revision. 首先我們復習一下。
13、Who can answer this question? 誰能回答這個問題?
14、Do you have any questions? 你們有問題嗎?
15、Put up your hands if you have any questions. 如果有問題請舉手。
16、Raise your hands, please. 請舉手。
17、Hands down. 把手放下。
18、Repeat after me/Follow me. 跟我讀。
19、Listen to me, please. 請聽我說。
20、Look at the blackboard/screen, please. 請看黑板/屏幕。
6. 英語教師課堂用語有哪些
1. Let’s start class. =It’s time for class. 上課
2. Hello, boys and girls / children.同學們好
3. Good morning /afternoon, boys and girls / teacher 同學們/老師們,早晨好/下午好
4.Stand up / Sit down, please. 起立/請坐
5. Who is on ty today? 今天誰值日?
6. Is everyone / everybody here / present? 大家都出席了嗎?
7. Is anyone anybody absent? 有人缺席嗎?
8. Who’s absent? 誰沒來?
9. Let’s begin our class. 咱們上課吧.
10. We’ll start / begin a new lesson today.今天我們講學習新課.
11. What day is it today? 今天星期幾?
12. What’s the weather like today? 今天的天氣怎麼樣?
7. 英語教師課堂常用語有哪些
哈哈~ 我記得最清楚的是:
class begin!
stop talking ,listen to me!
look at the blackboard!
you, please!(叫人回答問題的時候專)
you are so clever! good!(回答正確的時候)
8. 幼兒園英語教師日常用語有哪幾塊內容
2、Hi, everyone/body.嗨,大家好!
3、Hello everyone.大家好!
4、Good morning.早上好!
5、Good afternoon.下午好!
6、How are you.你好嗎?
9、Not bad.不錯!
10、Not so good.不是很好!
11、How do you do?你好!
12、Nice to meet you.見到你很高興!
13、Glad to meet you.很高興遇到你!
14、What』s your name? My name is BoBo.你叫什麼名字?我的名字叫BoBo。
15、Are you Amy? Yes, I am.你是艾米嗎?是的,我是!
16、Where is Andy? Here I am.安迪在哪裡?我在這里!
17、Give me a big hug.給我一個大大的擁抱!
18、You look so pretty today.你今天看上去很漂亮!
19、What is the weather like today? 今天天氣怎麼樣?
1、No talking.不要說話。
2、Please don』t talk.請不要說話。
3、No walking.不要走動。
4、Please don』t walk.請不要走動。
5、No running.不要跑。
6、Please don』t run.請不要跑。
7、No kicking.不要踢。
8、Please don』t kick.請不要踢。
9、No laughing.不要笑。
10、Please don』t laugh.請不要笑。
11、No fighting.不要打架。
12、Please don』t fight.請不要打架。
13、No yelling.不要大喊。
14、Please don』t yell.請不要大喊。
15、No pushing.不要推。
16、Please don』t push.請不要推。
17、No playing.不要玩耍。
18、Hands on knees.小手放在膝蓋上。
19、Sit well.坐好。
20、Sit straight.坐直。
21、Be careful.小心。
22、Follow directions.聽從指令。
23、Listen carefully.仔細聽。
24、Be quiet.請安靜。
1、Stand up. please.請起立。
2、Sit down, please.請坐下。
3、Come here, please.請到這邊來。
4、Go back to your seat, please.請回到你的座位上。
5、Let』s listen.一起聽。
6、Let』s make.一起做。
7、Let』s chant.一起來說唱。
8、Let』s sing.一起來唱歌。
9、Let』s learn.一起來學。
10、Let』s count.一起來數數。
11、Let』s watch cartoons.一起看動畫。
12、Let』s do actions.一起做動作。
13、Let』s talk in English.一起來說英語。
14、Let』s play a game.一起來玩個游戲。
15、Let』s watch and say.一起看圖說話。
16、Let』s do a warm-up.一起來做熱身。
17、Are you ready?你准備好了嗎?
18、Ready, set, go !准備,開始!
21、By turns.按順序。
22、One by one.一個一個的來。
23、Please look at me.請看我。
24、Please look at the blackboard.請看黑板。
25、Open your books, please.請把書打開。
26、Close your books , please.請把書合起來。
27、Please turn to page5.請把書翻到第五頁。
28、Please speak loudly.請大聲說。
29、Sit next to me.坐在我旁邊。
30、May I have your attention, please?請注意了!
31、I want everyone to sit properly.我希望每個人坐正。
32、Scoot back.往後點。
33、All together.大家一起來!
34、Everybody together.大家一起來!
35、Story time.故事時間。
36、Game time.游戲時間。
37、Test time.測試時間。
38、Music time.音樂時間。
39、Workbook time.手工時間。
40、Fun book time.手工時間。
41、I』m going to tell you a story.我要給你們講一個故事。
42、Behave yourself.表現好一點。
43、Shh , please listen carefully.噓,請仔細聽。
44、Please raise your hand.請舉手。
45、Put up your hand.請舉手。
46、Hands up.請舉手。
47、Wait for your turn. Be patient, please.等著輪到你,耐心點。
48、Please read after me.請跟我讀。
49、Come on. Please come here.來吧,過來。
50、Let』s draw a picture.我們一起來畫畫。
51、May I beg your pardon?再說一邊好嗎?
52、Your pardon?再說一遍好嗎?
53、Color the apple red.把蘋果塗成紅色。
54、Paste it on the picture.把它貼到畫上。
55、Circle the right letter.把正確的字母圈出來。
56、Draw and cut a tree from green paper.在綠色的紙上畫一棵樹並剪下來。
57、Match the flower to its shadow.把花和它的影子連起來。
58、Cut with your scissors.用剪子剪下來。
59、Let』s review the song.讓我們復習歌曲。
60、Here you are.給你。
1、What is it?它是什麼?
2、What is this?這(個)是什麼?
3、What is that?那(個)是什麼?
4、Is it a bird?它是一隻鳥嗎?
5、Is this your bag?這是你的書包嗎?
6、Is it sunny?今天晴天嗎?
7、Is it windy?今天刮風嗎?
8、Is it cloudy?今天多雲嗎?
9、What day is it today?今天星期幾?
10、What time is it ?幾點了?
11、Where is the ball?球在哪裡?
12、Where is the marker?馬克筆在哪裡?
13、What do you like?你喜歡什麼?
14、Do you like apples?你喜歡蘋果嗎?
15、Do you like oranges?你喜歡橘子嗎?
16、What color is this?它是什麼顏色?
17、What color is that?這是什麼顏色?
18、What color is that?那是什麼顏色/
19、What shape is it ?它是什麼形狀的?
20、What shape is this?這是什麼形狀的?
21、What shape is that?那是什麼形狀的?
22、How many fingers do you have?你有幾個手指?
23、How many children are there in our class?我們班有多少個孩子?
24、Who would like to answer my question?誰能回答我的問題?
25、Who wants to try?誰想試一下?
26、Can I help you?要我幫你忙嗎?
27、May I help you?我能幫你嗎?
28、Could you do me a favor?你以幫我一個忙嗎?
29、What is the matter?怎麼了?
30、What』s wrong with you? 你怎麼了?
1、Good/Very good!好/很好!
2、Good job!做得好!
3、You did a good job!你做的很好!
5、Give me five.擊掌!(表示慶祝)
6、Give you ten.互擊雙掌!
10、Good point.說得很對!
11、Good for you!你很棒!
12、Smart boy!聰明男孩。
13、Smart girl!聰明女孩。
14、You are so clever.太聰明了!
15、Lucky boy!幸運男孩。
16、Lucky girl.幸運女孩。
17、Well done!做得好!
20、What a surprise!真是一個驚喜!
21、You are special!你很特別!
22、You are super!超級棒!
23、You are the best!你是最棒的!
25、Super job!超級棒!
26、Beautiful work!幹得漂亮!
28、A big kiss!一個大大的吻!
29、A big hug!一個大大的擁抱!
31、Think it over and try again.想一想,再試一下!
32、Much better.這次好多了!
33、Think about it! Don』t give it up.認真思考一下,不要放棄!
34、Cheer up, try it again.振作起來,再試一次!
35、Relax! One more time.放鬆點!再來一次!
3、Bye now.再見。
5、See you!再見!
6、See you tomorrow.明天見。
7、See you next time.下次見。
8、See you next week.下周見。
9、See you later.以後見。
10、See you again.再次見。
11、See you soon.回頭見。
12、Catch you later.呆會兒見。
13、See you in a little while.一會兒見。
14、Take care.保重。
15、Have a wonderful night.度過一個愉快的夜晚!
16、Have a good weekend.周末愉快。
17、Good luck!祝你好運!